Saturday 3 August 2024

Darlington 10k

 I'd never ran the Darlington 10k before. When the Dark Destroyer (Lornie) advised us that she fancied a run around her gaff, we thought we'd jog on down and see what was occurring. Its an early Sunday morning affair with a 2 looper around the leafier parts of the the town.  It was around 20 bangers to get in, but at least there wouldnt be any proper hills and the roads were closed. Bonus. Last year there were 3 or 4 who went sub 30, so it must be flattish. 

We parked up just outside the town centre, up some side street, and I looked back fondly as we walked away from the car wondering if it would still be in one piece when we returned. There was already a good crowd assembling when we reached the shops and arcades and we grabbed our numbers and took in the spectacle. Those wearing bright club vests, all those fluorescent platform boat-soled carbon shoes and all that money spent, gymsharks in their body hugging gear and slick backed hair and some locals who, bemused, were accidentally caught in the carnival crossfire and were only on their way to Greggs for a bacon sarnie and a coffee.  I noticed on my mid town warm up that there are at least two Greggs in Darlo city centre. That's how they roll down there. 

There were 7 pens for the runners (no, not parkers) and after a mile warm up in cool below average temperatures, I mosied surreptitiously to Pen 2. It felt about right. I had a target of sub 43, but secretly (and I can tell you this now..) I would have been disappointed with a 42. Forty one minutes seemed a realistic time.

Off we trundled and I soon got into my stride. When you've got to keep the gas on for a good wee while, it soon takes it out of you and with a crowd of around 1800 runners, there was quite a bit of tooing and frowing. I tucked in behind a green vested runner with Mark printed on his back - he might have had something to do with Northallerton. He was tall with grey hair and had a nice even pace. However, after 4 km it was just too even for me and the elastic snapped and I began to drift back. 'Come back Mark', I cried inside. Beyond that, there was not much to report; no dramas and a workmanlike 41.05 for 4th M60 on gun time, but 3rd on chip time. Lornie had finished just before me, in 41.10, her having set off in the first wave and Linds was there to give us support at the end. We repaired to the nearby coffee shop, truly Neros for Heroes and found a seat and ordered before the throngs arrived. All in all not a bad day out. Lornie was 5th senior and seemed happy to get a voucher.  We all got a t shirt, but none of us went to Greggs.

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