My right knee has decided to come out in support of the left one. Knees together. I would tell you more, but I don't think they deserve any more attention than they're trying to get at the mo, so we'll leave the thing at that.
I've managed a measly 25 on the road and in the woods this week, supplemented by 35 on the bike yesterday with some of the lads, and then 35 minutes on the turbo in the garage today. I cleared myself a wee space by the freezer and plugged myself in for some laboured spinning. This years main target, l'etape in July means I'll be on the bike as much as in the trainers, but the longer, warmer days can't come soon enough. There's not much on in the calendar this month in any case and I need to manage the race quota to ensure this creaky carcass maintains its sleek lines and purring motor! I suppose a cross country or two might not be too demanding. I'll see what I can come up with. In the meantime we're all taking a trip to Dunbar early in February for a cyclocross, so that'll be a laugh and something to look forward to.