The weekend was run free. Not that that is anything to crow about, especially when nuggets like the national xc, Devilla trail race and the Netherhall 10 mile road race were on. Instead, I opted for a club ride on the Saturday morning, an easy 35 miler, followed by a gutsy 55 miler on my own on Sunday. Spring is trying to muscle in to the last vestiges of Winter (or what Winter we've had). It's elbows aren't quite sharp enough yet though, so even though it was mild, there was a force 7 south westerly blowing as I ploughed a lone furrow past Ponteland and Stamfordham to the A69 where I turned and stopped to take in the delights or the Matfen café shop. Although it's only a wee village, the café charges more for sitting in for a cuppa, than sitting on the bench outside and only having come out with a couple of quid, I sat outside watching the occasional bikie fly past in the tailwind. It was then up to Walridge and onto the Belsay road with a billowing, hornblower of the wind behind me. I wasn't tempted to gallop though and, instead cut north to the Molesden road where progress was baulked by this inconsiderate tree.
This morning, its back on with the trainers, with 5 slow miles round the lanes and tracks and another session at the running club tonight (if I'm lucky). In the meantime, I'll get the hot soapy water out to give the bike a rub down and full on lube with the WD40.