Wednesday 28 February 2024

Jura no more

Its been a good wee while since I last put my thoughts down on record. After a routine blood test motivated by nothing more than age and gender, I found myself dealing with a 'medical' which has now been, thankfully, sorted. My recovery is, in no small way, a result of terrific expertise within the health service, not to mention supervision from Mrs Mac who excels in this arena. I am indebted. But its safe to say my fitness is taking a while to return. While I have reduced my parkrun time in the last 3 weeks from 27 minutes to 23 minutes, I am still lacking motivation to lace up the trainers. I have been swimming again though, which is something positive at least. 

Jura has always been up there on the to-do list. I filled in the form early January and subsequently found myself on the reserve list for this 18 miler. Its 5000m of ascent. A day or two later I was invited to run. A dilemma. I wavered between paying the fifty quid and convincing myself that the calf injury would resolve itself by May, and, then, conversely, staring at the screen and realising that it probably wouldn't.  So last night I declined the invite and will look for other pastures to make my comeback on. The calf seems happy enough on the flat, but faced with some proper gradient, it goes all William Tell and I'm left to hobble back to base. There is nothing else for it than to go and see someone and I will look around for a running shamen of repute to allow me to regain last years form. Given the above, I shouldn't be too hard on myself and might try a low profile race this weekend, should any take my fancy. Alternatively, I might just continue taking the tiles off the bathroom in preparation for the new bath. Nice to have choices. What excitement!         

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