I'm exhausted. No good lessons in race preparation to be had here. Reclining in the understated B&B with cheap carpet and woodchip, I keep telling myself its clean and adequate. Functional is a word that springs to mind. Luxurious is a word that doesn't. How much UHT milk can you drink? There's a mumble from the room next door and I hear the sound of a door closing. The last of the sun is streaming through the nets and I pull the curtain across to make some shade as I watch tele. The curtain and rail comes away in my hand. Oops...
Davina and Nicky have just repaired another few relationships and I admit it, my lower lip had a bit of a tremble on for a minute but then I remembered I was in Weymouth. I was soon back on track with Jeremy, the over zealous librarian and the silent singer in 'Psychoville' (-have you seen '50 great country walks (volume 2)'?! - You have to see it...
Another local job. Should I be concerned about my carbon footprint. After watching the sparrows down at the quayside for most of the day, I conclude that these twitching balls of grey featheriness have issues. They are the hardest sparrows in Dorset. Bonkers. They spend all day fighting each other. Is that the effect of pecking at discarded chips from day-trippers or just boredom? Their squabbling made my 10 mile jog along the cobble beach and coastal path look like a walk in the park (or a run on the beach, which, after all, it was). Even the sea-gulls were giving them a wide berth.
After a long but not hard day at work, I set off with my running gear in the early evening sun and bounced my way along the esplanade and then past the long, wide flint cobble beach and up onto the cliffs with the surf swashing relentlessly 200ft below me. Got to the Smugglers Inn at Osmington before turning back. The bounce had gone by then. The path along the cliff disappears into thin air in places as sections of soft Jurassic shale turn into clay and slip without struggle into the waves. The occasional sign warned of danger...'Landslip'....mild peril involved!

The rabbits seem to like it. The little blighters were everywhere. They had a bit of a nonchalent attitude. I didn't get too close though in case they went to the same school as the sparrows. Some were waiting for me at the style eyeing my trainers up with menace. Others stood by filing their teeth.
The rabbits seem to like it. The little blighters were everywhere. They had a bit of a nonchalent attitude. I didn't get too close though in case they went to the same school as the sparrows. Some were waiting for me at the style eyeing my trainers up with menace. Others stood by filing their teeth.
This place is hosting the Olympic Sailing next year. Some of the local lads I talked to during the day seemed less than impressed at the carnival coming to town. Who wants to watch boats two miles out, anyway? I've got to make a return trip in a week or two. Might look up the race calendar and get a race organised to see whether the south western runners are as formidable as the wildlife.
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