Saturday 21 November 2009


We all deserve a treat now and again.

And probably, yes, you can get too much of a good thing, so I had some 'me-time' yesterday. It was a trip to the eye test woman followed soon after by a slouch to the dentist for a consultation. Lovely. Those frames that they put on you reminded me of a scene from the film Marathon Man. Thankfully she advised the eyes were good, although I would have to go some to develop superman-type vision. Now that would be excellent in foggy fell races where the mist is down or to see who's up front.

If only I could also discover the ability to freeze things with my breath I could stop all the speed merchants at the front of races and then mooch past nonchalantly, hands in pockets in my cape and red pants (on second thoughts superman probably hasn't got pockets in his pants - clearly didn't think that one through!) One website I perused suggests in a commentary on Superman that 'his ability to distinguish fields depends upon the signal-to-noise ratio between objects'. Some folk are really keen, eh?
Anyway, 50 miles this week and some of them even good quality miles, so I'm going to try a fell
race. The forecast for tomorrow is nonsense with lashing rain and high southerly winds, asteroids and swirling witches. Wonder if I should pack some kryptonite in my bumbag.

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